1 . I N T R O D U C T I O N

1.1 This privacy policy, (“policy”) informs users of the website and service about what type of personal or company information we collect and how we use that information.
1.2 By using the www.artmar.co.za website, you agree to the terms of this policy and agree that we may collect and use your personal information in accordance with this policy. Should you not agree to this policy, you must refrain from using the website immediately and not use or access the website in the future.

2 . P E R S O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N

2.1 For the purpose of this policy, personal information means any information by which you may be personally identified and includes, without limitation, your name, surname, email address, postal address, phone number, city, payment details, product preference and social media details.

3 . T Y P E O F I N F O R M A T I O N C O L L E C T E D

3.1 ARTMAR NATURAL STONE will collect personal information from users who wish to make use of the website and/or its services.
3.2 In addition to the above we may also collect information that doesn’t identify you personally. This may be information relating to the URL via which you entered the website, a URL of a website you clicked on upon leaving our site, your IP address or information about how you use your browser.

4 . H O W W E U S E T H E P E R S O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N

4.1 ARTMAR NATURAL STONE will collect and use personal information and non-identifying information from you in order to:
4.1.1 Register individual users and provide efficient customer service to them;
4.1.2 Ensure that we offer appropriate deals to our customers based on their preferences and interests.
4.1.3 Send emails/newsletters advertising our special offers and latest news;
4.1.4 Send promotional emails that may be of interest to consumers based on the information provided;
4.2 The information we collect may also be used to analyse user behaviour on the website, for example to analyse which content is viewed most frequently, which content is not viewed often, and how much time users spend on the website and specific pages thereof.

5 . C O O K I E S

5.1 To collect and analyse the data referred to in clause 4.2, we make use of analytics programs offered by third party providers. In order to collect information, these programs leave cookies on users’ computers – that is, text files or pieces of information that may be stored in your computer’s hard disk drive when you visit our website that enable the collection and analysis of online user behaviour.
5.2 By examining this information, we are able to improve our services and provide the most appropriate deals and products to our customers. It further ensures that we always provide the best possible service to our customers.

5.3 Most browsers are initially set to accept cookies. If you do not wish to accept cookies, you can set your computer to refuse cookies or to alert when cookies are being stored. Please note that should you refuse the use of cookies, our ability to provide you with personalised services will be limited.
5.4 Cookies cannot and will not be used to capture an e-mail address, obtain information from the hard drive or gain confidential or sensitive information about you. Furthermore, cookies are unable to be read by websites other than the one that sets the cookie.

6 . A C C E S S I N G Y O U R P E R S O N A L I N F O R M A T I O N

6.1 You may request access to your personal information stored in ARTMAR NATURAL STONE’s database.
6.2 Furthermore, consumers may demand that this data be removed, provided that removal will not be in conflict with existing legislation regarding online data storage.
6.3 In order to access your personal information, please email a written request to info@artmar.co.za, and include certified proof of identity.

7 . D I S C L A I M E R A N D D I S C L O S U R E S

7.1 ARTMAR NATURAL STONE will not sell, rent or otherwise distribute your personal information to third parties, except as provided for in this policy.
7.2 ARTMAR NATURAL STONE and its authorised employees/representatives or third party contractors will access and use this information provided if it falls within the scope and ambit of the authorised employees/representatives or third party contractors’ employment or contract with ARTMAR NATURAL STONE.
Please note that this excludes situations in which disclosure is required by collection companies.
7.4 ARTMAR NATURAL STONE will disclose personal details if required by law or in terms of a court order, or if in ARTMAR NATURAL STONE’s discretion required to protect the ARTMAR NATURAL STONE service.
7.5 ARTMAR NATURAL STONE does not intentionally obtain personal information from people under the age of 18.
7.6 ARTMAR NATURAL STONE may assign its rights to the information to a third party, but will notify you in the event of this taking place. Should you have concerns or objections about the third party to which ARTMAR NATURAL STONE intends to assign the rights, you may request that your account be deleted.

8 . S E C U R I T Y

8.1 ARTMAR NATURAL STONE applies advanced security technology to safeguard your personal information from wrongful use. Only authorised ARTMAR NATURAL STONE personnel have access to your information.

9 . L I M I T A T I O N O F L I A B I L I T Y

9.1 ARTMAR NATURAL STONE will take all reasonable steps to safeguard the integrity of your personal information and the consumer’s right to privacy. Subject to all applicable laws. ARTMAR NATURAL STONE cannot accept any liability for unauthorised or unlawful disclosure of your personal information, including disclosure made by third parties who are not controlled by ARTMAR NATURAL STONE.

1 0 . B R E A C H

10.1 Any unauthorised use of ARTMAR NATURAL STONE’s information systems may constitute a violation of law, including the Electronic Communications and Transactions Act 25 of 2002, which may lead to civil or criminal action against you.

1 1 . A M E N D M E N T S T O T H I S P O L I C Y

11.1 This policy may be amended at any time, in part or in whole, at the sole discretion of ARTMAR NATURAL STONE. It is therefore recommended that you review it periodically, continuing use of the website following changes to the policy will be considered acceptance of the changes. Any amendments will be posted on the website and will only apply to activities taking place subsequent to the amendments.
11.2 Please note that this policy forms part of the Terms & Conditions of using the website, and any changes made to it will be effective immediately upon publication of the changes on the website.

1 2 . C O N T A C T U S

12.1 Should you have any queries or concerns about this Policy, please contact us on info@artmar.co.za
E&OE (Errors and Omissions Excepted)